During my years at the Little Lehigh Fly Shop and in my travels as a Trout Bum, I've met some interesting fly fishermen, fly tyers and even some folk that were unsanctified. Some were a privilege to fish with, some to tie with, some to learn from, some characters and some to befriend. All provide cherished memories.

John Glenn, screen name Orbit one bought some Tilley hats for his youth camp.
Lefty Kreh did a few schools at the shop.
I'll always remember his advice, you don't make your candle shine brighter by blowing everyone elses out.

Aspiring piscator grandson Jeep showing Cathy Mainardi the ropes.
Little Lehigh Fly Shop Fly Fishing course graduate, Philadelphia 76er Todd MacCulloch.

The late Barry Staats's Sporting Gentleman was a significant honest, fair competitor. When I suffered a fire at my residence and a flood at my shop on the same day he was one of the first to offer his support.
His loyal employee and cerebral tyer extrordinaire Mary Kuss conducted some wonderful tying classes at my shop.

Gary LaFontaine; author, angler, friend and entomologist with the late, great Al Miller

Member National Wrestling Hall of Fame
Former head coach Lehigh University,
Won two NCAA titles
Three-time All-American
Holds an endowed chair: the Lawrence White Head Coach of Wrestling.
Coached two national champions.
Oregon State University Sports Hall of Fame
Oregon Sports Hall of Fame
Director, National Team Programs, USA Wrestling;
National Freestyle Coach, Head Coach, Foxcatcher, Inc,
Coach for World & Olympic Champs, Bruce Baumgartner and Kurt Angle
Coached NCAA champions Rob Rohn & Troy Cetters
Coached in 3 Olympic Games
1st VP, USA Wrestling
President, EIWA Coaches Association
1998 USOC Coach-of-Year;
1997 National Freestyle Coach-of-the-Yr
Jack Reichelderfer

The only thing better than Stan Cooper coming into my shop was when he came in with Jack,
Once in a great while , if your lucky, you get to meet a raconteur like Jack. As he spoke there was charm in his voice and a sparkle in his eye which can' t be replicated.
Jack was an upscale photographer based in New York's Central Park South.
Friends with folks like Coco Chanel and Charles Ritz his successful photography business resulted in a superb bamboo rod collection and wonderful fishing adventures.
Jack's fishing took him to the Canadian wilderness and the wilds of Alaska in the days when you hired some natives and packed into the bush subsisting on what you packed or what you could harvest.
I had two problems with Jack, He was an unapologetic Montreal Canadians fan and when I got to go fishing with him I;d find myself listening to his yarns more than fishing.
Guys like Jack should not be forgotten. If you have some JACK stories, please send them to me.
I'll include them on my page.