One of my favorite music groups took its name from Parsonsfiield, Maine. They help satisfy my craving for unique music.
I go to Blooomers in Parsonsfield to satisfy my craving for unique, decadent sweet treats like. FLYFISHING FUDGE ICE CREAM. I think it is probably illegal, if not immoral for anyone who calls himself a piscator to drive by Bloomers.
Bloomers! is a Florist, Greenhouse & Farmstand located on Rt. 25 in Parsonsfield, ME. The enjoy a stellar reputation in designing bridal florals , special event flowers, operating a greenhouse and a farmstand, but all of these endeavors pale in comparison to the ice cream stand and its FLY FISHING FUDGE ICE CREAM!
155 Federal Road PO Box 115
Parsonsfield, Maine