Photp by Don Douple
Slow down, you move too fast, you've got to make the morning last…All is groovy.
Lyrics to The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) / Simon & Garfunkel 1967
Mr. Brown
The wild brown trout Mr. Brown is in his prime lie. The cushion in front of his rock provides a place to lie effortlessly, while watching detritus drift by. Occasionally, Mr. Brown discerns a nymph among the detritus. He slips into the current, intercepts it and returns to his cushion. All Mr. Brown has to do is breed, feed and survive. His focus remains the same all day, every day—watching for food or danger. The view encompassed by his very limited binocular vision is all he can see. His world is narrow. Anything out of the ordinary means danger.
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