Strip Nymph, Gary Borger
Nymphs are burrowers in silt or sand, fish w/ swimming, twitching retrieve. My favorite pattern is the Strip Nymph.
Natural Photo by Don Douple
Hair Wing Dun, Gary Borger
Duns emerge in late August through early September sporadically throughout the day, increasing in late afternoon and early evening.
Natural Photo by Don Douple
Parachute Spinner, Gary Borger
Spinners fall is in the evening.
My favorite patterns appear in Gary Borgers “Designing Trout Flies” (rgr)
Spinners appear out of nowhere, approximately. 8pm. above the riffles.
Most of the bugs I’ve collected were females. The abdomen of the females appears to rip open to lay eggs about 2 or 3 segments from the tip of the abdomen. Females die immediately after laying eggs.
Male tails are twice as long as females. Claspers are To receive updates click here