While visiting my daughter and her husband over the past two summers, when
they lived in Orland, PA, my son-in-law introduced me to the Little Lehigh. On
one of our visits, we had the pleasure to speak with you at $ome lengrth about the
Little Lehigh and a short time later that day, you intrudumd us to Al Mlller and of
course, we fished sucessfully with Al's Rat. Well, we are now all back on the west
coast in Washington state. Last weekend, I fished a small spring creek in central
Washington called Rocky Ford. lt's close to a town called Ephrata.This is one of
those crystal clear, slow moving streams that is heavily fished and here the fish
see everything. They have become most discriminating in what they will take.
The reason people fish it, even with hard to catch fish, is that it is loaded with 20
to 24 plus inch rainbow trout. I was still carrying around a couple of Al's Rats and
figured they hadn't seen one of those. Sure enough, the first drift got me into a 24
plus inch trout that succeeded in breaking off the leader with the Rat. The second
drift got me into a 20 plus inch trout which again broke off the leader with the Rat.
I had no more success the rest of the morning with anything t put on. So, if you
would, when you next see Al, please let him know that his Rat is probably now
going to become known on the west coast as I intend to tie more and share his
successful design with others willing to use somethingknew.
Regards to you both,
Roy Flint
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