The Little Lehigh Fly Shop conducted hundreds of private fly-fishing lessons. I'm continuing them during my retirement. The course consists of five parts. The length of each part is geared to the students pace. There is no hurry,
The preferred class size of two maximizes personal attention while providing the opportunity to practice using the coach and pupil method. Practice is essential,
The course includes extensive discussion on tackle. Don’t spend money on tackle before you know if you like the sport, tackle is provided.
Casting practice is done on the lawn allowing the student to perfect each component of the cast before proceeding to the next. When all components are perfected practice of the cast will begin and we will move to the water.
This is a fly-fishing course geared to the serious angler. The casting component is important but only part of the class.
A workbook is provided.
Classes are supported by donations. Travel expense not included.
Sign up for the first session, before you invest time or resources. See if you like it