Early November brings water temperatures in the high 40's low 50's, 8x clear.
Try midges, Bivisibles, Soft Hackles, Sculpins and Wooley Buggers. Air temperatures will be in the high 50's
In mid November we will find water temperatures in the low 40's. Air temperatures in the high 40's and low 50's. We will be fishing Sculpins, midges, Terrestrials and Blue Winged Olives.
While some folks are shopping on Black Friday, Trout bums will be fishing midges, Hares Ears, Sculpins, Soft hackles, and ants.
On the first day of Pennsylvania buck season, Fly fishermen will be tempting trout with Al's Rats, Sculpins, Griffith Gnats, Wooley worms, Blue Winged Olives and Wooley Buggers.