I’d never take a trip without knowing first if I’ts freestone or limestone water….A fisherman who knows what to expect…already has a basic plan of attack.
Joe Humphrey's
I am well read.
I have been studying fishing books for fifty years.
I never got around to Joe's.
In February Cathy and I attended the Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Museums event in State College. Joe was being honored.
Cathy bought me his book.
I glanced over it, ho hum, and tossed in the pile of books waiting to be read.
When Joe Humphrey's Trout Tactics finally appeared at the top of the pile I began reading with a cynical attitude.
It isn't a coffee table masterpiece. It's not a literary master piece. It's illustrations aren't provided by Barry and Cathy Beck.
I started reading, Ho Hum.
Before finishing the first chapter I realised this very average looking book is PACKED WITH INCREDABLY USEFUL INFORMATION!!!
Joes book is a must read. I'm privilged to have it in my library.
If you are an appearance over substance type, you will probably pass over Joe. masterpiece.
If you are a substance type, THIS IS A MUST READ.